The Pause Button

“Pause before judging

Pause before assuming

Pause before accusing

Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll regret later.”

~ Lori Deschene ~

I’m going to be very transparent with you all; recently, I let my emotions get the best of me, heightening up a situation more than what it was supposed to be. I let my feelings elevated to that point because I didn’t take the time to pause and calmly figure out a solution like normal. When I finally calm down, I realized how dramatic I was over something that honestly wasn’t that big of a deal and could have been resolved way sooner.

Sometimes we get caught up in the moment of frustration and anger that we forget to take the time to pause, step away, come back and start over. When we learn to practice the pause method, we can see the situation differently and can calmly figure out how to resolve the issue with ease.

Today I encourage you to find the way to hit that mental pause button when your feeling frustrated or angry. Find an activity that will help you step away from the issue, regain your calm, get back to the problem in an optimistic mindset, and figure out the plan for resolving the situation.


Perfectly Flawed


Motivation Mondays - React with Positivity!