Welcome to My Blog!


My name is Oveana, most of my peeps call me OV and I am a southern gal from the "Bayou City," Houston, TX.  I am a wife to an amazing husband of 7 years! I am a Finance professional who has a great passion for beauty, makeup, fashion, and home décor.  I knew from a young girl that I was always going to be into fashion, I mean I made sure my Barbie dolls had the latest fashion that Mattel came out with. (I was very serious about Barbie dolls) Makeup on the other hand was something that had to grow on me. I was in dance and honestly, that was the only time I was okay with wearing makeup. I did not even like nail polish on my fingernails and toes, only clear polish., I know...weirdo! Well, the more mature I became, the more I started to enjoy putting on makeup.  Recently becoming a homeowner, I fell in love with decorating my home. I get pure enjoyment in decorating my home, from matching patterns, color schemes, searching for artwork, or DIY projects. Okay, enough with me talking about myself, let us get into what my blog will be about! This blog is all about the great things we ladies enjoy about beauty, makeup, fashion, and home décor. I get so excited about these things that I felt I had to share it with the world sooo...website created! LOL I will showcase hair reviews, makeup and beauty reviews, fashion hauls, home décor hauls, just to name a few! It is really all about enjoying life with a little sprinkle of sass!  Look at me just rambling on, LOL! I hope you enjoy my blog and thank so much for your support!

Hugs ~n~ Kisses!

Oveana Marie