Perfectly Flawed


“ A Diamond depends on its flaws for Sparkle.”

~ Unknown ~

Often, we let other people or social media dictate what beauty is to us. We spend so much time looking in the mirror trying to imagine how our bodies would look if we can enhance or reduce something that we forget our imperfection makes us beautiful. Confidence comes from accepting our flaws and embracing them, making them a part of who you are, physically and mentally. I can’t tell you how many times I was told I was fat and weird just because I didn’t look or act like the typical popular chick in the room. It took me a while to appreciate my flaws and quirkiness, but the atmosphere changed drastically when I did. I didn’t care what people thought of me; I was just simply enjoying life with all my imperfections. When I started to create a positive attitude about my flaws, I realized how amazing a person I am.

Today I encourage you to find something good about your imperfections. Avoid self-criticism and focus on the positive things about yourself, such as making a list of your strengths and accomplishments. When someone gives you a compliment, accept it, embrace it, celebrate it. Even though other people’s opinions should not matter, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy a compliment from time to time. Once you learn how to love and appreciate your flaws, you will be able to see just how unique and beautiful you are.


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